Weekly Wellness Activations


Weekly Wellness Prompts

We will send you weekly wellness prompts, tips, check-ins, quotes on a regular basis. We won’t bombard you (because we know there’s already a lot of daily notifications as mamas), but we do think having mini prompts, reminders or even a quote to help you through your week and help you stay connected with yourself and your journey as a mother.


For your notifications, we will update you through:


You are already signed up automatically since you are a member.

If you want to be removed from our weekly email notifications, please email hello@thryve.ca and we will remove you from this specific list. This will not affect any other notifications including your membership status, etc.


If you have joined our private Thryve Facebook group, we will be sending out our weekly updates/notifications in addition to an email.

Text Message - Coming January 2021

We will be offering text message notifications starting in January 2021 and will notify you when you can sign up.